Conditions of Sale of PHARMACARE 2020 SL


Contract conditions



This document establishes the general conditions governing the sale of products and services (hereinafter, the “General Contracting Conditions”) by PHARMACARE 2020 SL through this website (hereinafter, the “Web Page” or the “Web Site”).

The use of the Website, as well as the acquisition of products and/or services through it, implies that you agree to be bound by these General Contracting Conditions, as well as by the Conditions of use of the Website, as well as by our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy (hereinafter, jointly referred to as the “Conditions and Policies”), all of which are included on the Website.

These Conditions and Policies may be modified at any time, and it is the responsibility of the buyer to review them periodically, as well as each time they proceed to contract products and/or services. The Conditions and Policies in force at the time of use of the Website or execution of the contract will be those that will apply to it.

The language in which the contracting procedure will be processed and in which this Contract is formalized will be, unless otherwise indicated, Spanish.



These General Contracting Conditions for the products and services offered on the Website are signed by:

On the one hand, PHARMACARE 2020 SL, with NIF B05525126 and address at AVENIDA ANTONETE GÁLVEZ 1, 4ºC, 30006 MURCIA.


And, on the other hand, by the Client of the products and/or services offered by PHARMACARE 2020 SL (hereinafter, the “Client” or the “Buyer”) whose personal data are those that he has provided on the Website and , especially through the form that PHARMACARE 2020 SL has made available to you, an essential requirement to be able to make any purchase.




To be a Client you must be of legal age and have the necessary capacity to contract. When you become a Client you agree to the following:

  • Provide only, and in all your actions related to PHARMACARE 2020 SL, truthful data. In the event that the Client provides any false, inaccurate or incomplete data or PHARMACARE 2020 SL has reasonable grounds to doubt its veracity, accuracy and integrity, PHARMACARE 2020 SL may deny access and/or present or future use of the Site. Web or any of its contents, Products and/or services.
  • Diligently save your username and password and assume responsibility for any damages that may arise from possible misuse caused by a lack of this diligence.

PHARMACARE 2020 SL will not be responsible for any consequences derived from failure to comply with these commitments.




PHARMACARE 2020 SL has a Website whose activity consists of offering and selling parapharmacy products to the Client (hereinafter, the “Products”). The marketing of the Products through the Website is intended exclusively for final consumers, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 29/2006, of July 26, on guarantees and rational use of medicines and health products, it is stated that PHARMACARE 2020 SL will not carry out the promotion or marketing through this Website. of medications and/or products that require a medical prescription, these being, solely and exclusively, dispensed by legally constituted pharmacies.





5.1 The Products


PHARMACARE 2020 SL informs that the Products offered on the Website are detailed in each section within the Website. PHARMACARE 2020 SL ensures that the photos of the Products clearly identify them but I cannot be responsible for how the Client may interpret them.

Once you are a Customer, if you wish to purchase a product that we offer, you will have to add it to the basket, fill out the order form that will appear for this purpose and validate the order. The validation of the order on your part will mean that you know and expressly accept the established general contracting conditions and that you become a client of PHARMACARE 2020 SL from whom you make your purchase.

5.2 Product Prices and Applicable Taxes.

All prices of the Products are indicated in euros (€) and correspond to the unit price of each product with Value Added Tax (VAT) included.

In accordance with the provisions of article 68 of Law 37/1992, of December 28, on Value Added Tax, the delivery of the items will be understood to be located in the territory of application of Spanish VAT. The applicable VAT rate will be the one legally in force at all times depending on the specific article in question.

The prices and offers presented are valid exclusively for online orders made to PHARMACARE 2020 SL and only for the moment in which you consult them, since they are variable. The price that will be invoiced for your purchase will be the one that corresponds to the Product(s) that you purchase at the time of placing the order.


5.3 Purchase Confirmation

The purchase will be considered completed once the Client presses the “Confirm/Pay/OK” button on the corresponding payment gateway, understanding that the monitoring of all phases of the electronic contracting procedure and the inclusion of all requested data They imply, together with the express final acceptance of these, a clear and direct manifestation of the final Client’s will to accept these General Contract Conditions.

Within twenty-four hours after you have made your purchase, PHARMACARE 2020 SL will send you the receipt by email; If you do not agree with the information contained in this receipt, you may request its modification.

Unless otherwise demonstrated, the recorded data constitute proof of the transactions carried out between you and our PHARMACARE 2020 SL, adding your data to our client file and archiving the electronic document in which the contract is formalized, which will be accessible by you.


5.4 Payment terms


Payment can be made through bank card. To make the payment using a bank card, you will be redirected to the corresponding website where, once you have accessed, you can make the payment.

PHARMACARE 2020 SL will consider the purchase effective once it has received the corresponding confirmation from the aforementioned banking entity and it is from that moment that the legal deadlines will begin to run. If the purchase process of the Products is interrupted for any reason or if the amount paid does not reach the corresponding amount (including management fees and bank commissions), PHARMACARE 2020 SL will suspend the purchase process of the Products, informing the Client.

  • Delivery of the Products
  • Product Availability

All orders for Products are subject to availability. In this sense, if difficulties arise regarding the supply of Products or if there are no items left in stock, PHARMACARE 2020 SL will contact the Client to inform them of the new delivery time, and the latter may choose to maintain the order or the refund of the total amount paid.

In the event that several Products are included in an order and some of them are not in stock, PHARMACARE 2020 SL will contact the Customer to agree to send the order in a single shipment or in a separate shipment.

  • Product delivery times

Without prejudice to what is established in the previous clause regarding the availability of the Products and unless extraordinary circumstances of shortages and/or Force Majeure occur (as will be described later) that could not be foreseen, PHARMACARE 2020 SL undertakes to make available The order will be available to the Customer at their home within a maximum period of 2-3 business days. At the time of delivery, the Client must sign the delivery note justifying the delivery of the order as it has been received and accepted.

The delivery period will begin to run from the moment payment has been received from the Client and, in any case, the delivery of the Products will take place within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of formulation. Of the order.

  • Delivery conditions of the Products at home

Shipping and/or management costs, which are not included in the price, will be shown to you before finalizing your purchase, since they vary depending on the shipping address. If the order weighs more than 2kg, PHARMACARE 2020 SL will contact the buyer in the email communicated during the purchase to inform them of the expenses, and in the case of disagreement may cancel the order without being charged. no cost. Shipments are made to the peninsula.

If an order is returned by the courier company to PHARMACARE 2020 SL due to causes that may be attributable to you (such as carelessness in reception or an incorrect address), it will not be sent to you again until you pay for a new delivery. the procedures for which you will have to contact PHARMACARE 2020 SL.


5.6 Cancellation of purchase of Products

PHARMACARE 2020 SL reserves the right to withdraw any Products from the Website at any time and to remove or modify any material or content thereof.

Likewise, PHARMACARE 2020 SL undertakes to carry out everything necessary for the processing of orders without, due to exceptional circumstances, having to reject the shipment of the order even after sending the confirmation.

In any case, PHARMACARE 2020 SL will not be responsible to you or any third party for removing any Product from the Website, removing or modifying any material or content on the Website or for canceling orders even if they have been sent. the purchase confirmation, always duly informing the Client.

  • Shipping and delivery times

Orders placed at PHARMACARE 2020 SL can be sent to any point on the peninsula, but in no case to post office boxes.

Your purchase will have to be delivered within the period of which you will be informed at the time of placing your order.



In any case, to exercise the right of withdrawal, it is essential to do so by sending an email to the following address of PHARMACARE 2020 SL:

On the merits of the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, PHARMACARE 2020 SL informs the Customer who may exercise his right of withdrawal within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from the moment of receipt of the Product.

Regarding the withdrawal process, the Client must comply with the following additional conditions:

  • The Customer is obliged to send the packaged Product, with its corresponding seal intact and without signs of having been manipulated or opened, directly to the address that will be provided once the request for the right of withdrawal is sent, no later than within 14 days. calendar days from the date on which you communicate your decision to withdraw.
  • When PHARMACARE 2020 SL receives the Product(s) and it is verified that it meets the conditions indicated above, the amount paid by the Client in the purchase process will be refunded, using the same payment method used by the Client in the initial transaction. , and within a maximum period of 14 days from when PHARMACARE 2020 SL has been informed of the decision to withdraw from the Contract.
  • The direct costs of the return will be borne by the Client except in cases of shipping error, damaged order or product in poor condition, in which the return costs will be assumed by PHARMACARE 2020 SL, as long as the return is has been made in accordance with the return instructions given by PHARMACARE 2020 SL.

In the event that PHARMACARE 2020 SL detects any type of manipulation or damage to the returned product, it reserves the right to send the product in question again to the Client by postal delivery on delivery, with the latter assuming the corresponding shipping costs.

Regarding the Products that require opening in order to know their correct operation, PHARMACARE 2020 SL will require that the specific Product be in perfect condition with all its elements, accessories and packaging, without any return that does not comply. these requirements.

In accordance with the provisions of article 103. c) of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, It will not be possible to exercise the right of withdrawal in those cases in which Products made to the consumer’s specifications or clearly personalized are purchased, or that, due to their nature, cannot be returned or may deteriorate or expire quickly.


The Products offered by PHARMACARE 2020 SL are original from the brand, with their own manufacturing guarantee and without any defect; all of them with the legally established guarantee periods. Taking into account that the practical majority of Products marketed are perishable and consumer products, the legally established minimum warranty period will be that of the nature of the Product marketed. In any case, the client must inform PHARMACARE 2020 SL of the lack of conformity within two months of becoming aware of said situation.

However, and given the characteristics of the commercial Products, the Client must keep in mind that they have their respective expiration and preferential consumption periods, guaranteeing in any case that, at the time of marketing, the Products have a sufficient and reasonable period for consumption.

In the event that the specific Product purchased has some kind of damage, the Client may immediately contact PHARMACARE 2020 SL, to indicate the procedure for returning the Product. At the time of receipt of said Product by PHARMACARE 2020 SL, after verification of its possible defects, all financial amounts paid will be returned.

The return of the Products in case of damage will in no case entail a direct cost for the customer.


In the event that the Client receives a defective product or has not received any of the requested Products, the Client must notify PHARMACARE 2020 SL immediately through the means indicated in section ten.

PHARMACARE 2020 SL will proceed to resolve the incident as soon as possible and, at its own expense, provided that the incident is attributable to PHARMACARE 2020 SL.



For the purposes of these General Contracting Conditions, force majeure will be understood as, but not limited to, (i) events that cannot be foreseen or that, if foreseen, are inevitable, (ii) damages caused by third parties other than PHARMACARE 2020 SL. that affect the quality of the services provided by the latter and that are not attributable to it; (iii) strikes or labor disputes; (iv) epidemics or pandemics; among others.


PHARMACARE 2020 SL provides a Customer Service service, with the aim of responding to complaints and questions raised in relation to the purchase of the Products. The contact methods are detailed below:

Telephone: +34 865 480 630

Via email:



If any of these General Contracting Conditions are declared null and void by a firm resolution of the judicial authority or any other competent authority, the remaining terms and conditions will remain in force, without being affected by said declaration of nullity.




These General Contract Conditions are subject to Spanish legislation and to the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of PHARMACARE 2020 SL or the domicile of the Client, at the latter’s choice in accordance with article 52 of Law 1/2000, of 7 January, Civil Procedure.

This merchant agrees not to permit any transaction that is illegal, or is deemed by the credit card brands or the acquiring bank, to have the potential to damage their goodwill or negatively influence them. The following activities are prohibited under the card brand programs: the sale or offer of a product or service that is not in full compliance with all laws applicable to the buyer, issuing bank, Merchant, Cardholder, or cards.

Additionally, the following activities are also explicitly prohibited:

Sell prescription or prescription medications.


  • Visa
  • MasterCard


LAST UPDATED: February 9, 2024